safe spaces

Meadows are beautiful. They have always been my safe place, a yellow field of flowers draping over rolling hills. This was one of my first childhood memories, and to this day even more cherished than the cherry blossoms that arched over the streets of Japan.

I had a wonderful dream last night and a nightmare. It all started again when I met Beatrice. Not only did she recall my first entry in our healing session prior to the full moon when she asked me to journal, she recalled the fields of rolling meadows I so desperately hope to return to. I am a light worker, and I am still figuring out what that means. I am rainbow aura, and it has been told to me I come from the Pleiades constellation. They are the seven stars in the universe so compactly concentrated that no natural burst of the big bang could have caused the constellation to be arranged in such an abstract way. That’s because they are God’s work, not man’s and not those of science.

Beatrice told me that a bird had come into her house two days prior, on Saturday, a day after I connected with her. My grandfathers manifest in an Eagle and an Egret, and it was no coincidence that a bird refused to leave her house that Saturday. I had told her nothing about me, only that I was struggling with anxiety and depression and wanted to jump off of a building four months prior, which heightened two months ago. I told her about my manifestations and that is when she relayed the story of the bird – as validation, as knowing that the bird was meant to be in her home for a reason. She felt the urge to gift something to me, the first, a birdcage – the second a feather – the third, a book from her own grandfather who had died in a fire on Easter Sunday. She explained that I am wrapped in a societal package, but what is truly beautiful about me is my heart, and that I lead with it.

Only the books were saved on that Easter Sunday. How precious she shared Treasure Island with me. I am not a victim but an easy target. My angels showed her a red carpet rolling out in front of her, so beautiful she cried. As a fellow lightworker, she offered to mentor me. She said I not only have dreams that manifest with my family, but there will be larger dreams that manifest with complete strangers.

Contrary to my last post, I do not enjoy being the center of attention.

She said that since I don’t like attention or being the center of it; I just like being a part of it, that my biggest fear will be letting people down. Everything she said about my life rings so true to who I am. As someone who now has validation, and a mentor to see energies and not only feel them, I am encouraged. My angles showed her tapping or reiki as a way to heal others. She said I hold the key to my destiny. I later saw an Instagram post on the same message by another healer. Every block that my angels were giving me is an opportunity for faith in the collective WE.

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