poetry for the soul


you fill up the room


like carbon monoxide

until you find me

i cannot hide

and then air

it doesn’t exist

my lungs are filled

with the sightless gas of you.



are you a snake?

your venom seems to be in my blood

but you never seem to rattle

before i shake


when you arrive

i don’t exist  

an unforeseen visitor of my unbecoming past



you live in me

but i don’t know where you are

you’re like a radio station

when you’re tuned up you get me down


someone asked me to write a poem about happiness the other day

well its hard to write about something when you live in a foreign place

five years its been. five years of the same. five years where I’d rather be asleep.

not rather. been. 

rather than live with the reality of what I’m in

we had one good summer


 I sent you away

 with a cd

 no one would love you like I would

 a band of horses running you out



when the sun sets

it always has to rise


what everyone looks at

is what they think they see

the outside

is the lie that tells us the truth on the inside


there is no light

at the end of the tunnel

the light is there the whole way

we just don’t see it

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