birds and paradoxes

My second session with Beatrice was just as insightful. A wounded crow had found her way into her backyard, laying on heart stones and bleeding out on her wings. She had taken rest there just before I arrived. Her intuition told her I would have the message. I felt a sense of pressure, but around Beatrice I am always comfortable. I know my angels are always watching over me, and if I had the message, it would be delivered. She had gifted me a birdcage and a feather the session before. I saw an eagle fly over my car on the way to her home, and two crows circling around something.

After calling someone to come get the wounded bird, we sat down and she first asked me what grounding meant. I told her peace, harmony, and calm – like a rock that has water flowing over it. She asked me to go outside and connect with the bird. I went outside and she held the space for our energy. I kneeled on a grass area that clearly her dog, Tito, used to relieve himself. I didn’t care. It was there that I was called, an area presumably unclean to our human spirit, but not to our higher spirits.

It now reminds me of the moment I saw beauty in Chicago, a blade of grass blowing in the wind next to dog poo. I thought in that Chicago moment, it would never get better than this. I had a boyfriend who loved me, a job I adored that I could walk to just down the street, a beautiful apartment to live in and my best friend next door.

As I sat down I placed my hands together. I closed my eyes and breathed. Beatrice had already called someone to come rescue the crow. My eyes started to rapidly move and I saw a triangle upside down. Then I felt an energy saying “you will be okay” “you will be free.” My eyelids were flickering so rapidly just like birds’ wings. I saw chevrons, triangles right side up. I went inside and told Beatrice the message. She said she thought the bird was there for me. I told her, I think the bird is me. And she agreed. I am deeply wounded right now, and just starting to recover from my anxiety and depression. I have felt adopted my whole life. I have felt largely misunderstood my whole life, just like this “falcon” who we found out was really a crow.

Crows get a bad reputation. The are seen as the birds that are the most unclean, they are portrayed badly in the bible, but they warned Peter who didn’t listen. They have powerful messages, and this one completely related to me. I saw 444 on a license plate driving over. My arrival time was estimated at 444pm, and I arrived at Beatrice’s at 444 exactly on the dot. These are not coincidences, they are Godincidences.

She came outside and mentioned to the aviary rescuers that her husband is in a David Bowie tribute band playing at Stillwater. I told her – Beatrice – STILL WATER! She didn’t make the connection until we returned inside, just like the metaphor of my grounding, water flowing over a still rock.

She said we are blessed to be here. We have the five senses. That is why I chose to be on earth. To help others and heal them. Angels don’t have the five senses anymore. But on earth we have these things. WE indeed, are the lucky ones.

She started talking in an Indian accent. Channeling the past lives I have lived, as a powerful intellectual in royalty. She affirmed this to be true again, as was my experience with my first medium. I wanted to tell her I am so blessed to have her as my guide. I did.

She told me that my name would be a pen name for the writing to ensue. My name is C. See. My dreams are helpful for me to validate my gifts.

Paradoxes are the meaning of life. Jesus overcame life, by death. Ultimately coming to this realization at Easter has confirmed everything I knew to be true in my heart this entire time, just like Beatrice said.

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